

Our Message


Jesus Christ came to make a significant impact upon man.

In his own words He says, “I have come so that they might have life; life in all of its fullness.” (John 10:10)

Every believer has escaped eternal hell, however, few find victory over the daily hell in which they live. Bondage to adverse circumstances, people’s sin and past events continues to steal abundant life from God’s children. Abiding Life Ministries Canada is an evangelical discipleship ministry committed to helping believers see victory over the daily obstacles of life. God allows problems in His children’s lives to bring them into a dependent relationship with Himself. As believers allow life’s problems to bring them into His presence, the purpose of the problem has been fulfilled. Our goal through ALMC is to share in the call of the apostles, “Go…and tell the people the full message of this new life.”(Acts 5:20)

Our History – Abiding Life Ministries Canada


Abiding Life Ministries Canada (ALMC), was established in January of 2004. In its beginnings ALMC was functioning to help distribute and facilitate Abiding Life Ministries International (ALMI), resources and aid in hosting conferences. The messages presented by ALMI’s founder Michael Wells really spoke to Chad’s heart and this led to him answering God’s call to start the ministry of ALMC.


Our Team

Chad Salyn, Executive Director

In 1999 the truth that life is only found “IN” Christ really took hold in Chad’s life. It has been a reoccurring theme throughout his life – even as a little boy he sang a simple tune, “For me to live is Christ.” Chad has a heart for people, particularly those who are broken, hurting, anxious, depressed, struggling in life’s daily obstacles, and those suffering in defeat. God’s call on his life is to help people find their victory through this simple yet profound message of abiding in Christ.

Paige Salyn, Communications Coordinator

In addition to being the Communications Coordinator, Paige is also training under her dad learning about discipleship counselling! God has really placed this message of abiding on her heart and she wants to share that with His people.

Tracy Salyn, Administrator

God called Tracy into this ministry with her husband Chad in 2004. Her job entails with aiding in booking conferences and trips as well as a lot of the financial aspect of the ministry, such as making sure everyone is getting their tax receipts for donating to the ministry! Tracy firmly believes that God has great plans for this ministry and she is grateful to be a small part in that journey.

Our Roots – Abiding Life Ministries International


Abiding Life Ministries International had its beginning in 1972, when the Lord burdened the heart of Michael Wells to minister to defeated Christians. In subsequent years, through many hours of individual discipleship, the simple teaching of abiding in Christ moment by moment was revealed as the answer for abundant living. ALMI has laboured to make this message uncomplicated and reasonable; the answer for defeat must be simple and within the grasp of the very weakest person, for the gospel is available to all.

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